Building a Marketing Strategy

 Building a Marketing Strategy

Building a Marketing Strategy

What is a marketing strategy and what is included in this service?

Marketing Strategy – What About Your Business? Who? When? Where? How? is a guide plan that helps you find answers to your questions and leads you to your commercial goal.

Marketing strategy development service includes:

  • We define the company's vision, business mission and your business goal arising from it (What?)
  • We define your target market (Where?)
  • We develop your 4P (Product, Price, Promotion, Distribution) strategies to establish your activity in your target market and ensure your competitive positioning (How?)
  • By creating your internal company structure that will support your marketing activities (Who?), we provide it with term implementation plans (When?)
  • We ensure that marketing employees are found and trained for your company.
  • We guide the implementation of the company's Marketing Strategy

How does having a marketing strategy benefit a company?

  • Your short and long term goals become clear. This is important to ensure your goal-oriented performance.
  • By knowing the steps you will take and their sequence to be competitive in the market in which you operate or have to operate, you avoid chaotic activity. You use your time and energy more productively.
  • With orderly, planned and goal-oriented activities, you minimize unnecessary costs and, most importantly, losses.
  • You increase the productivity of your business investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get a marketing strategy development service?

  • Within a short period of time after applying to our company, our client manager will contact you and schedule an online or face-to-face meeting with an expert, depending on your choice, to determine your needs. A preliminary offer of the service to be provided during the meeting is prepared.

Which companies can apply?

  • Existing or newly established companies. Any company, regardless of the activity sector

Can the marketing strategy be developed by the company's internal team?

  • Yes, it can prepare. But experience shows that the company's marketing team is busy with operational tasks, so 95% of the time there is no time for strategic planning. Plus, getting an outside professional view of the business can add value.

How much does the marketing strategy development service cost?

  • There is no fixed price for the service. It can be offered as an hourly, project-based or monthly service fee. The initial price is set after your needs are determined at the first meeting. Note that the initial consultation is free of charge.

How long does it take to develop a marketing strategy?

  • If the time spent on research is not taken into account, the preparation of the document can take a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 1 month.

Get a consultation to take advantage of this service and move your business forward