Data Analytics and visualization
What is DATA analytics / DATA visualization and what does this service include?
Turn information into income!
Simply put, Marketing DATA is a collection of digital and non-digital data collected, processed and analyzed for marketing decision making. For example, sales figures, customer data, operational performance and other statistics.
DATA visualization is a way to transform the DATA we have into information by using it in various graphs, charts, etc. is illustrated with. DATA analytics transforms data into information using statistical analysis methods, creating a fertile ground for analytical decision-making.
Our DATA analytics and visualization service includes:
- Formation of internal and external DATA sources
- Support for providing uninterrupted DATA flow
- Cleaning, identification (processing) of DATA
- Creating a DATA structure
- Analysis of DATA
- Preparation of reports for decision-making
What benefit does DATA analytics and visualization service provide to the company?
- In today's era, companies with more information win the competition. By setting up your Marketing Information System (MIS), you will be able to have valuable information about your activities.
- Due to the share of risk, Intuitive decision-making is more dangerous. Currently, in many small and medium-sized companies in Azerbaijan, more intuitive decisions are made. We invite you to reduce your risks and make analytical decisions.
- You will be able to set your goals and forecasts more precisely. It will be possible to prevent risks that await you in the future.
- By working with the DATA you own, you will provide additional income. Start turning your data into revenue today.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to get DATA analytics and visualization service?
- Within a short period of time after applying to our company, our client manager will contact you and schedule an online or face-to-face meeting with an expert, depending on your choice, to determine your needs. A preliminary offer of the service to be provided during the meeting is prepared.
Which companies can apply?
- Existing or newly established companies. Any company, regardless of the activity sector. Companies with database (ERP), data channels.
How much does the DATA analytics and visualization service cost?
- There is no fixed price for the service. It can be offered as an hourly, project-based or monthly service fee. The initial price is set after your needs are determined at the first meeting. Note that the initial consultation is free of charge.
How realistic are the predictions I get during your service?
- No forecast is 100% reliable. But the forecast you get with 70-75% accuracy is better than such uncertainty and is useful for business.