Marketing for Executives | M3

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What will I learn in the training?

  Marketing for executives training is designed to improve marketing department heads, department heads or marketing specialists working in companies who want to become managers. The training program will help to develop the marketing manager's basic business skills, management of interactions in a business environment, marketing planning and budgeting, marketing plan preparation and marketing activity monitoring approaches.

  The lessons are taught by Ali Badalov, founder and director of MarLab LLC.

About training

  The training program, which will cover 3 months (48 hours), will provide individual practical tasks to each participant along with theoretical knowledge. The first month of the training covers the Business Skills module, and the remaining two months cover the Marketing plan development and performance monitoring module. At the end of the training, participants are provided with a certificate and letters of recommendation with personal performance indicators.

Duration of training

  Training is conducted on the basis of a 3-month program.

Təlimin formatı



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Ali Badalov

Ali Badalov

Your Marketing Trainer More

Təlimin mövzuları


1. Business skills

1. Basic requirements for the marketing manager
2. Recruitment: selection of candidates, interview skills
3. Routine management and systematic approach at work
4. Internal communication, team communication and conflict management
5. Directions of cooperation with internal company functions
6. Management of marketing projects and roadmap
7. Direction of personal development of the marketing manager (check-up)
8. Personal branding and presentation skills


2. Development of a marketing plan

1. Company strategy and goals
2. Situation analysis, Marketing audit, SWOT
3. Building hypotheses
4. Setting marketing goals/objectives
5. Development of marketing strategies
6. Targets and forecasts
7. Marketing operational plans
8. Creating a marketing structure


3. Monitoring of marketing activities

1. Təhlil metodologiyası
2. Marketinq check-list