DATA based Marketing

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Ali Badalov

Ali Badalov

Your Marketing Trainer More
Kenan Qarayev

Kenan Qarayev

Your Trainer on Data and Business Statistics More

Təlimin mövzuları

1. Access to DATA

DATA and its attributes
DATA types
Concept of DATA processing
Concept of DATA processing


2. Analysis in marketing research

Variance: One-way ANOVA analysis
Analysis of variance: Two-way ANOVA
Baes classification and discriminant analysis
Multidimensional scale


3. Selection of the target market

Cluster analysis
Classification tree in segmentation


4. Product: What does the customer want?

Conjoint analysis
Logistic regression
Discrete choice analysis
New product sales forecasting
Bass diffusion model
Future sales forecast, Copernicus model


5. Price

Finding the demand curve
Finding the optimal price
Creation of price bands
Non-linear pricing
Price and sales analysis
Revenue management


6. Communication

Measuring advertising effectiveness
Media Selection model
Direct mail campaign optimization


7. Retail

Shopping cart analysis
Retail area and sales resource analysis
Queuing analysis


8. Customer

Calculating customer value
Customer value and Monte Carlo simulation
Allocation of resources for customer acquisition and retention
Calculating the probability of the next purchase


9. Sale

Simple linear regression and correlation
Prediction by multivariate regression
Predictions based on special events
Trend and seasonality modeling
Vinter's method
Mean value method
Prediction by Neural network method